Some icons to add to a website created with bluefish. If you have any nice icons, please send them to the bluefish team, then we will add them to this page. You can download the icon artwork to make your buttons in pure SVG format here. If you have suggestions on changes to the icon, contact Dave Lyon (the icon "maintainer") on the Bluefish mailing list.
created by Christian Tellefsen
created by Christian Tellefsen
created by Christian Tellefsen
created by Christian Tellefsen
created by Bas Willems
created by Bas Willems
created by michal
created by michal
created by michal
created by Dino Baskovic
created by Dino Baskovic
created by Dino Baskovic
created by Dino Baskovic
created by Dino Baskovic
created by Peter Hellberg
created by Giorgioborla
created by Shane G. Butler
created by Bajtek
created by Leandro Da Silva
created by Christian Zwahlen
created by Christian Zwahlen
created by Angelika Lendzian
created by David Hickman